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Nursing 4 yrs

B sc Nursing

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Nursing 4 yrs

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSc Nursing)

B.Sc Nursing is a graduate-level course in Nursing and covers all the important aspects of nursing. The course is aimed at imparting the thorough knowledge and know-how basics of the profession.The programme has been designed to train the students in generalistic nursing practices. Students will be trained and educated on the processes of wellness, illness & disease management, health promotion etc.

Nursing 3.5 yrs

General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM)

Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery / GNM has been intended to empower qualified students to address the wellbeing needs of the nation, network, and people. They can likewise seek after cutting edge study and specialization in nursing while at the same time adding to the wellbeing based industry with persistence, duty, and commitment. This activity arranged program involves subjects like Nursing Fundamentals Anatomy and Physiology Psychology Biology Sociology and First Aid.

Nursing 1.5 yrs

Auxiliary Nurse and Midwife (ANM)

Auxiliary Nursing Midwifery is the full form of ANM. The ANM Nursing diploma program lasts two years. It focuses primarily on the health care industry. The course teaches you how to set up an operating room, care for various equipment, keep records, and give patients their medications on time. For these courses, there are a total of 1936 colleges, 1615 of which are private and 275 of which are public. There are 1,00,930 seats available for this course in India.